Rare Swedish Dog and Bolt Clasp Antique 18K Gold 1917


Selling separately! A rare 18K solid gold dog and bolt clasp from 1917 in perfect antique condition that you can add to any chain of yours.

I’m selling these separately so please pick the one you would like in the drop down menu on the website.

The dog clip is 23 mm long (27 mm with loop that holds the hallmarks@for the year 1917.)

The bolt clasp is 27 mm in diameter. 30 with loop that holds the hallmarks for the year 1917.

Both 18K solid gold, both have full Swedish marks for carat and country. And both are big and full sized. All colored areas are just reflections from the surroundings.

#antiquebolt #boltclasp #dogclip #antiqueclasp #antiquewatchchain #antiquewatchchains

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